
アイルランド留学センター > 学校 > Athlone Institute of Technology(AIT)

アスローン インスティテュート オブ テクノロジーAthlone Institute of Technology(AIT)


全校の生徒数 6,000名
受け入れ可能な英語レベル IELTS5.5
可能な滞在方法 シェアハウスなど
学校周辺の環境・アクセス 最寄りのバス停から徒歩5分、中心部からバスで15分、ダブリンから1時間半
公式サイトURL https://www.ait.ie/
  • 学校情報
  • ダブリンとゴールウェイの間、ウェストミーズ州のアスローンにあるカレッジ。2017年には公立カレッジとしては初めて(国内高等教育機関としては3番目)の「サンクチュアリー・カレッジ(=難民の受け入れをしているカレッジ)」に認定されました。地元の難民支援団体(New Horizon)と協力の元、難民に向けたイベントや授業、セミナーの開催なども行っています。
  • 学部・取得可能な学位・コース一覧

    Business & Hospitality(ビジネス&ホスピタリティー学部)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting and Law
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Information Systems
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Hospitality Management (with International Placement)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Food Business and Technology
    Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Culinary Enterprenuership
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Sport Management (with International Placement)
    Bachelor of Business in Sport Management
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Management in Tourism & Sport
    Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Leisure Management
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Tourism & Hospitality Management
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Business (Ab initio)
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Business and Law
    Bachelor of Business in Digital Marketing
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Digital Marketing
    Bachelor of Business in Business
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in International Business (with a mandatory language)
    Bachelor of Business in International Business Management
    Bachelor of Business (Hons) in Business Honours

    Engineering & Informatics(工学情報学部)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Quantity Surveying
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Construction Management
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming
    Bachelor of Science in Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Design with Mobile Apps and Connected Devices
    Bachelor of Science in Software Design with Mobile Apps and Connected Devices
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Design with Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing
    Bachelor of Science in Software Design with Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing
    Bachelor of Engineering in Computing Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Software Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure
    Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical and Polymer Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Automation Robotics
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Manufacturing Technology
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Design with Product Innovation
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Animation and Illustration
    Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Graphic Design
    Bachelor of Science in Music and Sound Engineering

    Science & Health(健康科学部)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing in General Nursing
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing in Psychiatric Nursing
    Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Technician
    Bachelor of Science in Dental Practice Management with Oral Health Promotion
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Psycology
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Social Care Practice
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Early Years Care and Education
    Bachelor of Arts in Early Years CAre and Education
    Bachelor of Arts in Applied Social Studies in Social Care
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Applied Social Studies in Social Care
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nutrition and Health Science
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sports Science with Exercise Physiology
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physical Activity and Health Science
    Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health Science
    Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biotechnology
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Microbiology
    Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Bioveterinary Science
    Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Bioscience


Dublin Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland

