
アイルランド留学センター > 学校 > Maynooth University(National University of Ireland, Maynooth)

アイルランド国立大学 メイヌース校Maynooth University(National University of Ireland, Maynooth)


全校の生徒数 13,000名
受け入れ可能な英語レベル IELTS6.5相当
可能な滞在方法 学生寮
学校周辺の環境・アクセス 鉄道メイヌース駅から徒歩15分、最寄りのバス停から徒歩5分
公式サイトURL https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/
  • 学校情報
  • 1795年設立のSt. Patrick’s College Maynoothが元となっている大学で、宗教的な学部を切り離して1997年に新しく設立されました。一般的に「メイヌース大学」と呼ばれますが、アイルランド国立大学(National University of Ireland, NUI)を構成する大学の一つ。

  • 学部・取得可能な学位一覧

    Adult & Community Education(社会学部)
    BA Community Studies
    BA Local Studies

    Applied Social Studies(応用社会学部)
    BA (Applied Social Studies)
    Bachelor of Social Science (Community and Youth Work) (Full Time)
    BSocSc (Community and Youth Work) (Part Time)

    Bachelor of Arts
    Bachelor of Music
    BA Psychology
    Bachelor of Social Science
    BA Media Studies
    Bachelor of Social Science (Community and Youth Work) (Full Time)
    BSc Computer SCI & Software Engineering (Arts) (CSA)
    BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development (ARTS) (MWA)
    BSocSc (Community and Youth Work) (Part Time)
    BA Community Studies
    BA Local Studies

    BSc-Biological and Geographical Schiences

    BBS Business and Management (MBA)
    BBS International Business (INB)
    BBS Marketing (MKT)
    BBS Equine Business
    BBS Business & Acoounting
    BBS Entrepreneurship
    BCL (Law and Business) (LWB)

    Computer Science(コンピューターサイエンス学部)
    BSC - Mathematics and Computer Science (with Education)
    BSc Computer SCI & Software Engineering (Arts) (CSA)
    BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development (Arts) (MWA)
    BSc Computer Science & Software Engineering (CSS)
    BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development (MWS)

    Design Innovation(デザインイノベーション学部)
    BSc Product Design (Marketing & Innovation)

    Economics, Finance & Accounting(経済学部)
    BA Finance(FIN)
    BA International Finance and Economics (IFE)
    BSC Quantitative Finance
    BA Accounting and Finance
    BBS Business & Accounting
    BCL (Law and Accounting) (LWA)

    B ED Bachelor of Education - Primary Teaching
    B. ED - Bachelor of Education Primary Teaching (Gaeltacht)
    BSC - Mathematics and Computer Science (with Education)
    BSC Mathematics with Education (MED)
    BSC Science (with education) (SED)
    BA Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning

    Electronic Engineering(電子工学部)
    Bachelor of Engineering
    BSC Robotics and Intelligent Devices

    Experimental Physics(実験物理学部)
    BSc Physics with Astrophysics

    Froebel Education(フレーベル教育学部)
    B ED Bachelor of Education - Primary Teaching
    B. ED - Bachelor of Education Primary Teaching (Gaeltacht)
    BA Early Childhood - Teaching and Learning

    BSc - Biological and Geographical Science

    International Engineering College(国際エンジニアリングカレッジ)
    BE Electronic Engneering
    BSC Computer Science & Software Engineering
    BSC Multimedia, Mobile, & Web Development
    BSC Robotics & Intelligent Devices

    Etudes Juridiques/Legal/ Studies
    Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
    BCL (Law and Accounting) (LWA)
    BCL (Law and Arts) (LWD)
    BCL (Law and Business) (LWB)
    BCL (Law and Criminology) (LWC)

    Mathematics & Statistics(数学・統計学部)
    Bachelor of Science
    BSC Bachelor of Data Science
    BSC - Mathematics and Computer Science (with Education)
    BSC Mathematics with Education (MED)

    BSc Biotechnology
    BSc Physics with Astrophysics
    BSc Theoretical Physics & Mathematics
    BSC Bachelor of Data Science
    BSc Psychology
    BSc Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Chemistry
    BSC - Mathematics and Computer Science (with Education)
    BSC Mathematics with Education (MED)
    BSC Science (with Education) (SED)
    BSc Computer Science & Software engineering (SCC)
    BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development (MWS)
    BSc Computational Thinking


Maynooth University Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

