
アイルランド留学センター > 学校 > National University of Ireland Galway

アイルランド国立大学ゴールウェイ校National University of Ireland Galway


全校の生徒数 15,000名
受け入れ可能な英語レベル IELTS6.5〜7.0相当
可能な滞在方法 学生寮
学校周辺の環境・アクセス 最寄りのバス停から徒歩3分、中心部から徒歩10分
公式サイトURL https://www.nuigalway.ie/
  • 学校情報
  • ゴールウェイにあり、National University of Ireland(NUI、アイルランド国立大学)を構成する大学のうちの一つ。1845年に学生数68名でスタートした学校が、現在では学生の街ゴールウェイを代表する学校となりました。中心部からも徒歩10分と遠くなく、世界大学ランキングではトップ1〜2%に入るレベルの高い大学です。

  • 学部・取得可能な学位・コース一覧

    Arts, Social Science & Celtic Studies(文学・社会科学・ケルト学部)
    BA (Arts with Data Science)
    Bachelor of Arts (Child, Youth and Family: Policy and Practice)
    Bachelor of Arts (Children's Studies)
    Bachelor of Arts (Digital Arts and Technology)
    Bachelor of Arts (Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies)
    Bachelor of Arts (English and Media Studies)
    Bachelor of Arts (Film & Digital Media)
    Bachelor of Arts (Global Languages)
    Bachelor of Arts (History)
    Bachelor of Arts (International)
    Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
    Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics and Education)
    Bachelor of Arts (Music)
    Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
    Bachelor of Arts Education (Computer Science and Mathematical Studies)
    Bachelor of Arts with Children's Studies
    Bachelor of Arts with Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Arts with Film Studies
    Bachelor of Arts with Human Rights
    Bachelor of Arts with Performing Arts Studies
    Bachelor of Science in Geography and Geosystems
    BSc (Applied Social Sciences)
    Government (Politics, Economics and Law)
    History and Globalisation Studies

    Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences(医学部)
    Bachelor of Science (Podiatric Medicine)
    Medicine (Surgery & Obstetrics)
    Mental Health Nursing
    Midwifery Science
    Nursing Science (General)
    Occupational Therapy

    Business, Public Policy & Law(ビジネス・法学部)
    BComm in International Hotel Management
    Business Information Systems
    Business Studies (International Hotel Management)
    Commerce (Global Experience)
    Commerce with Accounting
    Commerce with French
    Commerce with Gaeilge
    Commerce with German
    Commerce with Spanish
    Law (BCL)
    Law and Business
    Law and Human Rights
    Law and Taxation
    Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Engineering & Informatics(工学・情報学部)
    Biomedical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Computer Science and Information Technology
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Energy Systems Engineering
    Engineering (Undenominated)
    Mechanical Engineering
    Project and Construction Management

    Bachelor of Science (Genetics and Genomics)
    Biomedical Science
    Biopharmaceutical Chemistry
    Earth and Ocean Sciences
    Environmental Health and Safety
    Environmental Science
    Financial Mathematics and Economics
    Marine Science
    Mathematical Science
    Physics, Astrophysics, Biomedical, Theoretical
    Science (Bachelor)
    Speech and Language Therapy


